Art History Professor, Clemente Course in the Humanities (Harlem branch), New York City (since 2024)
Contributing Scholar, Theology and the Visual Arts, King’s College London, UK (since 2024)
Author, Art All Around Us: A Kid’s Guide to Finding Art in Everyday Life (2024)
Contributing Writer, Commonweal Magazine, New York City (since 2023)
Contributing Scholar, Black Feminist Roundtable, peer-review team for “Toward Joy: New Frameworks for American Art,” Brooklyn Museum’s 2024 American Art wing reinstallation, New York City (2023-2024)
Contributing Author, The Visual Commentary on Scripture, King’s College London, UK (since 2021)
Lecturer in Art History, Connecticut State Community College (Manchester campus), Manchester, Connecticut (since 2019)
Wurtele Gallery Teacher, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut (2014-2018)
Wyeth Foundation Predoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. (2013-2014)
Graduate Student Deacon, University Church in Yale, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (2009-2013)
Teaching Fellow, History of Art Department, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (2009-2011)
Visitor Services Associate, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut (2008)
Administrative Assistant, Museum at Eldridge Street, New York City (2006-2008)
Education Associate, Museum of Chinese in America, New York City (2004-2006)
Intern, Thomas Cole National Historic Site, Catskill, New York (2004)
Intern, American Folk Art Museum, New York City (2003)
Intern, Thomas J. Watson Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (2000)